
Winterize Your landscape

Taking the proper steps before winter hits are critical to ensure that your lawn survives the hibernation process. To start, it’s important to have your lawn aerated and fertilized before the cold season. Aeration will allow the fertilizer to reach deep into the roots of your lawn and provide healthy, consistent growth. We also suggest that you remove debris from your lawn like leaves. This ensures that your lawn can breathe and have access to much-needed sunlight. As a final precaution, we also suggest that you have your watering system winterized. By doing a sprinkler blow-out, you will prevent the possibility of severe damage and future costs.

Regular Mowing

To keep the healthiest lawn possible, we suggest that you maintain a regular mowing schedule. Depending on the growth of the grass, having your lawn mowed around once a week is critical for optimal lawn care. To keep your lawn thriving, stick with one of the higher settings on your mower. This ensures that your lawn isn’t cut too short and unable to keep itself alive.

Pest Control

While there are so many aspects to landscaping, it’s important to not forget about pest populations. Infestation of these pests pose a serious threat to your plant life and can result in visible declination of your landscape through brown spots, etc. We suggest that you incorporate measures to eliminate these pests with methods that aren’t harmful to your plant life.

Fertilize Properly

To ensure that your lawn continues to grow strong and healthy, it’s crucial to fertilize your grass. However, you must be aware of the proper application method as misapplying or over fertilizing can have negative effects on your lawn. Always be sure to pick the right fertilizer for your type of grass and follow the directions carefully.

Water Carefully

Although we like to drink water during the hottest times of day, your plants are the opposite. Watering during peak temperatures can be useless as the water evaporates before reaching the roots. We suggest that you water during the cooler times of day like the morning or after sunset so that your plants can make the most use out of the hydration process.